Home Lab – Network Layout

So I have tenatively decided to try and learn how to set up an Openstack cluster. Since I know nothing about Openstack, I have decided to use Cannonical’s implementation of it and set it up using MAAS and Conjure to bootstrap it.

So, starting from the Cannonical Tutorial I am following, I have a box named maas-controller running Ubuntu 18.04 Minimal with sshd installed and configured. The tutorial wants these on a /24 subnet that has no dhcp server configured and specifies that all nodes in the Openstack cluster should have statically assigned IP addresses. For this exercise, I am using the block to manage LAN traffic amongst the Openstack cluster nodes, to isolate the iDrac/IPMI endpoints, and for storage devices.

Network Topolgy
Home Lab Rack Front
Home Lab Rack Side
Home Lab Rack Back

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